Learn to create and post content that inspires people to buy.​

Video 1

Who am I, who is your course instructor

Video 2

Imagine yourself as the buyer

Video 3

The importance of LinkedIn for content

Video 4

The importance of Facebook content

Video 5

The power of Instagram for content

Video 6

The power of Twitter for content

Video 7

Posting natively or scheduling content

Video 8

Know your post image sizes

Video 9

Getting the right mindset for using social media and content

Video 10

Getting the right mindset for using social media and content

Video 11

The posting strategy

Video 12

Take people on a journey

Video 13

Breaking down our calendar, The yearly calendar

Video 14

Breaking down our calendar, Be personal


Download our Content Calendar

Attached you’ll find your workbook that you’ll need for this course. Each lecture will explain what to do for each page

Video 15

Planning the year ahead

Video 16

Choosing a monthly topic

Video 17

Understanding the ABCD method

Video 18

Using Canva, part one

Video 19

Using Canva, part two. Uploading images

Video 20

Using Canva on mobile

Video 21

Creating content with Pixaloop

Video 22

How to take photos on your mobile

Video 23

How to position your phone to get the best photos

Video 24

The rule of thirds when taking images

Video 25

Editing Photos on your mobile

Video 26

Subtley on imagry is key

Video 27

How to store photos in the cloud.

Video 28

Using text to push your posts

Video 29

How to post directly to Facebook via Desktop

Video 30

How to post directly to Facebook using a mobile

Video 31

How to post directly to Linkedin via desktop

Video 32

How to post directly to Linkedin using a mobile

Video 33

Setting up Hootsuite's free plan via Desktop

Video 34

Scheduling posts in Hootsuite on desktop

Video 35

Making social media posts clickable on Hootsuite Desktop

Video 36

Using Hootsuite via mobile, from setup to posting

Video 37

How to analyse engagement using the calendar

Video 38

Remember, It's all about the plan

Video 39

Course Ending