Here at Spraying Makes Sense, we’re always here to help, one of the most common mistakes we get asked about is…
Why is there paint spurting out the side of the gun?
This will be because of the tip seat, it may not have been fitted correctly or is missing. So to help you out we have made a short video on what to look for and how to fix the seat correctly.
Every tip and guard comes with a new seat and believe it or not people forget to either fit them or fit them incorrectly. These do wear out so make sure you always check and replace when need to.
So what is the seat? The seat is a small piece of metal with a rubber base that sits in the tip guard. If you screw your tip guard off and have a look at it you can see the rubber seat in there.
Top Tip – Always remember to check the seat before you start spraying.
If you find this video of help and it could help other Decorators then please free to share across your Network.