The Ginger Viking, we all know him on the spraying forum Spraying Makes Sense, he is a larger than life character who has a successful business and one of the main planks of his success is that he has taken on board spraying and successfully implemented it into his business.

Rhys was interested in getting into spraying, so he joined the Facebook group “Spraying Makes Sense” like we all do to find out what was going on in the world of spraying. At that time, he was brushing and rolling everything and as a decorating business was doing ok.

He decided to go along to a Tikkurila demo day in Scotland, which was quite a trek because Rhys lives in Birmingham. Ian Crump was running the day, it involves a short presentation showing what can be sprayed and why we do it. He also discussed products and spraying equipment. Later in in the day there is a little practical demonstration and then an opportunity to have a go yourself. We run a number of these demo days and they are free to attend. Look out for the next one in your area.

Rhys was so taken by the demo day that he decided to do the “City and Guilds Intensive Airless Course” at Edenbridge with Ian. This was a real eye opener for Rhys because the course covers so much more than a simple demo day and showed him how to make more money in his business by using spraying technology.

Fast forward 6 months and Ian spoke to Rhys to see how he was getting on. It turns out that he had doubled his turnover, He had done more decorating work in the 6 months spraying than he had done in the previous 12 months before the course. This is a real measurable result and its always nice when a previous student has success after doing the course.

Rhys went on to do the Airless Spray Plaster course and he has now integrated plastering into his growing business. He really does have the bug.

Rhys came up to the Preston Academy recently to do some training with me and a few of the team. After the training day we all met up at the pub next to the hotel where everyone was staying.

“I will buy you a drink Pete, what do you fancy?” Rhys asked.

“I will have a pint of Peroni please” I replied.

He came over with the drinks and I thanked him.

“Thanks for the drink Rhys” I said.

“Thanks for changing my life” was his reply.

Now I know he was half joking, and it was just pub banter, but I knew what he meant, and it is the very reason I wanted to get involved with the Academy. I also know it was not just aimed at me and that the Academy is a team effort and all our efforts help to change decorator’s life for the better.

What does “better” mean?

Well it means that as a decorator you will be able to carry out more work in less time so that means you will make more money. You will be able to take on bigger jobs because you are more productive, this also means that you make more money.

He now achieves an amazing finish on his woodwork which customers comment on. This leads to more job satisfaction and more enquires for work.

It means that work now is much more fun! This is the final hidden benefit of spraying, it is so much more fun that brushing and rolling.

So, if you fancy doing a course and want to find out what it can do for your business then Join Spraying Makes Sense and tag Rhys in and ask him how he has found it. I am sure he will give you an honest and frank reply in true Rhys style.