What is the Graco Texspray Fast Finish Pro?

The last time we went to UK Construction week at the NEC in Birmingham was back in 2019 pre covid so it was really nice to be back at an event like this.

Rhys of McWilliams Decorators went to the Graco stand to find out more about the texture spray machines they were exhibiting.  Here Mark Smith of Graco talks Rhys through the Texspray FastFinish Pro.

Have you used the Wagner Heated Hose yet?

We have been using the Wagner Heated Hoses for over 12 months now and have used it for all sorts so far! It has been one of the biggest game changers since we got the spray machines and have to thank Colin Bidwell from Paintshack for pushing us into it. He did tell us how good it would be but we didn’t believe him..